Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Friend

Have you ever wondered what life would be like to be someone else?  To walk in someone else's shoes or at their height?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just be the perfect you?

Over the last semester taking the initiative to speak with every one has really changed the way that i view others and therefore the way that they view me.  Life has flopped, and this time flopped is a good thing. My new roommate for example and proven to be one of my best friends.  It is crazy how much we are alike, from everything to Trombone to swimming to the way we keep our room and the hours of the day.  Just being open and friendly with him has been so cool, he's returned it a thousand ways.

Speaking of those thousand ways..check this out...Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do the dishes and have one of your roommates come in and spontaneously just start helping, ...yep it happened... really, it was a surprise, so what's my point, my new roommate is awesome, and has become one of my greatest friends. The point however is this would have never happened had i been my natural reclusive quiet self.

Trying to break the quiet mold has also over the past few weeks drawn me close to Melanie and Danielle as well, both were spontaneous arrivals (a common ground Shakespeare, and a matchmaking mouse) but in light of these they have proven some of the greatest blessings in my life! Just a kind word! ... They talk and share a kind word and with that make life a heaven on earth.  Not to mention the fact i have never met two more driven, brilliant, beautiful, open, successful, and inspiring women in all my life.
Open up, say hi and make new is short, but friends like these make life worth everything!!

~God Bless

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