Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gods Timing

"Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't..."  That is a profound statement, what the Lord often dose in my life could often be contrived as maddness, why is this sprocket in my life going the wrong direction, it should follow all the rest!  Like the narrow view of a few sprockets in a greater system so too thing in my life appear to be working the wrong way went looked narrowly upon.  However, this miss guided diagnosis can be reminded by an engineer with a greater view of the machines true purpose and design.  Also my life and each individual sprocket make sense and has a purpose when viewed from the right level of design.

The Lord like the master engineer often has to remind me that He is in charge and has a greater design.  This is one great insight i gained from class yesterday.  The Lord's timing is amazing!  I often feel like Cornelius praying to no avail and then one day i see the work the Lord has done and hear His voice, "Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God."  Just as a heavenly directed message and a divinely prepared prophet meet two more cogs are shown to be insync.  Then the Prophet comes and i fully understand and believe.

After all of the examples i have seen in the scriptures and feel in my life, i truly know this is a lesson that i am meant to learn right now.

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