Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Greatest Investment of All Time

It's offical! At 25 you become a menace to society if you are not married and have a job! So what is the call to this 24 year old-->"Are you anxiouly engaged in become ingaged?" and "Stay home and get a Job!"

That is my life, it feels as though i'm thrown into the maze of life with a map that is encrypted and if i can but figure out the decryption primes i will have a clear road of success. After all every buisnessman in the world has a decryption code they're willing to offer, the only problem is if you spend the time to figure out if theirs works you may miss out on your own.  What am i saying? Life right now feels like a cyber war, figure out your code before someone passes you in the maze and takes your spot, find the right job, work hard, get married and above all Be Successful..it's that easy! ..Right?

Right! This is one of the struggles that i have been facing over the past few weeks and months.  What is the path through the maze that leads to success?  And how do i find the road to success or code for it?  It's been interesting to see all the answers i got from the world.  They had their opinion and theirs was the loudest and theirs came first.  But today after i finaly took the right and correct time to ask my Father that knows, i recieved the True and Perfect answer.

"That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory."  

This scripture gave me the first prime to the RSA code, and then this morning i received the second:

"If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world,let him become a fool, that he may be wise.  For the wisdom of this world is foolishnes with God. Therefore let no man glory in men.  For all things are yours: Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your; And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's."

The Greatest Investment of ALL Time is investing in God commandments and in His Gospel.  Believe in Christ and Faith in Him.  Trust Him and follow His ways and then come all hell we will recieve all that the Father has, for will are and will still be His.  This is the life and the way--Jesus Christ.  Following His is the secret code to the perfect pass for life, and though this world will pass away we shall inherit it all worlds without number, even all that the Father Hath.

What peace the Gospel brings, trust Him and work, marriage, life, success, all fall into perfect place.
In the name of Jesus Chris, Amen.

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