Tuesday, November 1, 2011

To be Ridden

While in scouts my scout group and I set out for an adventure!  We planed, packed and set out for Red Fish Lake Idaho!  We had just begun our 10 mile hike when our leader's house decided he was in charge.  This horse was new to his masters ride and had a opinion of his own.  After fighting the house for most of the trip, the master decided it was time teach this young colt a lesson.  He forced the horse to trail at the back of our caravan, he took to this like oil to water, he wanted none of it.  The colt's goal was to always be in the lead and never follow!  After a utter and complete revolt our leader ended up bailing off the horse just as it slide after way down the mountain, off of a rock ledge.  After the house came to himself he after a days walk found are group and rejoined the ranks.

How i have felt like this colt, spurned, ridden, and untamed.  Recently i have gone through a couple of job interviews that have literary ridden me as if for the first time.  Never having experienced such a think before, i must admit i was left bruised, dazed, and bucking in every direction.  Indeed not knowing who to trust or where i could turn.  I felt like the colt who had just went for a ride down the mountain.

It was in this moment that the master stepped in and touched the reins.  At the touch of the masters hand this dazed and bewildered colt was calm.  There was a literal quiet word of what the future would hold and how he was to safely lead me there.  There is something about the touch of the master hand!  When He was safely on my shoulders, the bit was a comfort, the path clear, the saddle comfortable, the world quiet, and the enemy with out power.  I knew He knew the course and that His course was mine!  I am the miracle of the colt, He has tamed me and channeled my efforts to something powerful and productive.  He Lives!

One great lesson that i want to always remember is the touch of His hand!  I want to further insure that i always listen and follow His command.

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