Wednesday, November 9, 2011

He knew the better Road

How many times!   I took my computer pulled up a world map and charted a course.  I wanted to be here, put on this concert, attend school there, transfer here, and then get a job with them.  I took that map printed it out stuck it in my pocket and packed up what little i owned into my bag and hammered a sign on the door saying, "Found my Way, Not coming Back."

My hope and my map last about a week and then they're both outdated.  I end up on a park bench somewhere with nothing but a bag of heavy past experiences, all of which seem worthless at the moment!

Then when dumbfounded, without even the capacity the ask the right question the Savior takes a seat at my side.  He has found that which was lost, rather to Him it was never lost, but now it's ready to listen!  There is something about too good of a time and too hard of a time that leave us senseless and inattentive to the Savior.  Either one will wind us up on a park bench somewhere.

Then with nothing but a bag, He has to remind us and tell us the proper questions.  Just like the Apostles after hearing of the troubles around the 2nd coming.  We like them are left in life with a glimpse of what is to come and yet know we understand none of it, we are left without word nor knowing where to turn next.  Our sure map has failed and we're afraid to make a new one.  It's then the Savior comes in and reminds us Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?  

Once we see what needs answering He answers the question!

I have made such a map and i have followed such a course and indeed it left me on a bench with all that i have worked to obtain stuffed in a worthless bag; me feeling as if the contents thereof were completely worthless.  My map was in pieces! I had prayed--i'm not perfect, i sin--yet i felt like it was right and not wrong.  How could it then turn out this way.  The stick i had devised to measure my progress and left me beaten and utterly alone!

Then in the darkness the very day of my distress, He was found on my bench!  Feeling and words came into my mind as i knelt in prayer.  I received an email concerning a different opportunity that very night and a feeling this one is right!  As i looked back i realized God's inspiration in writing my application letter, it was perfect.  That very night i was also offered an interview for this new alternative.  Later that week i arrived for that interview.  I went up in a glorious, majestic building overlook a beautiful court yard with water fountains and huge bay windows. There as i sat waiting for my interview, unsolicited, the spirit came strong and peaceful, with three words--this is right!  Upon entering the interview i was complemented on my application letter and asked a question that i new would come...for i had felt that would be it.  I knew how to answer with an experience the Lord had given me.

~ On Sunday i met an amazing young women, my roommate had just invited her over.  I knew nothing about her.  Then it came to my attention that she had seen The Tempest this last week in Salt Lake--I was able to have an amazing deep conversation with her because of my experience with Shakespeare.  It was amazing and possible because of the universal language provided by Shakespeare. ~

That is why i love Shakespeare and literature! It creates a bridge in which can span vast chasm and link people together in a universal language and experience.  It allows us to understand one another and to more fully understand ourselves.

I shared this God given experience and the effect was perfect for them and for me!  I was told that i was accepted into the program!  I then went back down and had another euphoric event!

Later the Lord confirmed these feelings as He always dose with a beautiful lesson in my New Testament class where we talked about this... How the Lord will help us even when we don't know what to ask and bless us even when we think we know better.  He knows the higher road and the better way!  He knew that this opportunity would be better.  Don't close any doors.  It can get better!


  1. Author: Derek Peck
    Posted date: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:04:59 PM MST

    great story, and i really appreciate it. It is incredible how the Lord guides our lives. i have seen how the Lord has truly guided my life, how he has taken a personal interest in my interests; in what i am doing and what i want. if it is important to us, it is important to him. one thing i know is that if we are trying to move in the right direction, and continue to move forward, the lord will not let us go down a wrong path for very long. we make our own maps, and so many times we are way off, but as we move forward with faith, the lord shows us the best path, the right path, and softly points us in the right direction. through good friends, key conversations, euphoric events, the lord has enriched my life and directed me down the right path so far. i am sure he will change my directions and point me in different directions, but i look forward to thee learning experiences so i can grow from them.
    thank you for your wonderful message.

  2. Elder Holland

    Returning from an exploring trip on backcountry roads, he and his father came to an unexpected fork and could not remember which road to take. It was late in the day, and they knew darkness would be enveloping them in unfamiliar territory. Seizing a teaching moment, Jeffrey Holland asked his son to pray for direction. Afterward, he asked his son what he felt, and Matt replied that he felt strongly they should go to the left. Replying that he had felt the same way, his father turned the truck to the left. Ten minutes later, they came to a dead end and returned to take the other route.

    Matt thought for a time and then asked his father why they would get that kind of answer to a prayer. His father replied that with the sun going down, that was undoubtedly the quickest way for the Lord to give them information—in this case, which one was the wrong road. Now, though the other road might not be familiar and could be difficult in places, they could proceed confidently, knowing it was the right one, even in the dark.
