Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Semester Report

S (Specifics~what did you do for your project and why did you pick it?)
(See Purpose of Blog)  Right Side.  ----->

A (Applicability~How much did your project push you beyond what you would have normally done this semester? Describe the effort you put into this.)
I would have never done this for a class ever! Especially a religion class…stuff like this takes time and a lot of effort, this was way out of the box for me.  When I really struggled with this I would review my motivation talk for this project and post on forgiveness talks or things like that to remember why I was doing this project and then I would go out and just talk to people.

R (Relevance~How relevant and meaningful was the project you picked? What spiritual growth came because of it?)
I think I answered this below…

T (Time~How consistently did you work on your project 1-2 hours weekly throughout the semester?)
I think I answered this below…

S (Scripture-tie-in~How did your project tie in to the scriptures we studied this semester?)
Matthew 22:37–39 -> Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Matt 6:12 && 6:15 && 32 -> Forgive.  As we meet people we get hurt.
Blessed are the Peacemakers and Blessed are the Merciful.
Parable of the Good Sameritan-> Stop! And don’t be a Robber.
There are more throughout this blog!

(a) Level of difficulty and meaningfulness of your project:
“Love thy neighbor as thyself” how can one ever love ones neighbor if one never interacts with them.  I some ways I think this had become my philosophy.  I mean if you never talk with anyone or get to know them, they can’t disappoint you and you don’t have to love them—after all you don’t even know them.  This has been a very hard project for me, I am not a social person whatsoever, so just going out of my way to meet people, say “Hi”, and be friendly was WAY out of the ball part!  But it has been one of the best projects. I have really tried to lift my head up and say “HI” to everyone I pass, or at least nod.  Then as I have been in the computer labs, classes, and just as roommates bring their friends over, I have striven to go out of my way to get to know them.  The Gospel is all about people and in many ways I feel that I have been running from them, but this project has truly changed all of that.  After all if you’re running from them how can you succor those in need, strengthen the feeble knees, love your neighbor, love your enemy, and feed His sheep.

(b) Number of weeks where you spent one to two hours working on the project:
I have been blogging on my project every week. There has not been a week that I have not spent one hour on my project since I turned in my project proposal. One of the beauties of this project is I can work on it every minute of every day—and it has blessed my life every minute of every day!  But I have also posted a few of my weekly discussion reports on my blog, so you will see those as well. 

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