Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I loved the lesson today-- New Testitment Matthew Chapter 5! I really had some strong feeling about the nature and character of God.  As I go through life I pick up traits from society and somehow rub them off on the character of God.  If society is long to remember and quick to forgive then so must be God.

However, there is part of me that seems to whisper this is not true.  One thing that was a tender mercy was the idea of forgiveness.  The thought of turning out and blessing the lives of others--Blessed are the Peacemakers and Blessed are the Merciful.  Here God is trying to teach us to become like Him--Be ye therefore perfect.  So what is the point, if God is trying to teach us to become like Him and He telling us of Mercy, Meekness, and Peacemaking then God and Christ are Merciful, Meek, and Peacemakers.  They seek actively to bring peace into my life and soul, to organize my chaos and to heal my wounds.  O what peace, feeling, and joy, what tenderness and love this doctrine brings.  I have a Father, He is God, and He is Merciful and kind, perfect in every way.  How do I know? He has commanded me to do these things to be like Him therefore He must be the same; not only that but the Spirit whispers so.

I wish to forgive at the slightest intimation of repentance and to forgive before they ask, so that I can give what I ask and desire for my shortcomings. 

That I might become like Him, for it is because of who He is that I can BE.

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