Friday, September 23, 2011

At What Coast?

It's always been interesting to me how things fade with time--like resolve.  We try our best to be kind and compassionate to people, trying to please them and make them happy, we try to find out the things that are important to them and perform them as a way to show love, but more often than not they revival us for it.  This mode of treatment brings persecution and sower looks, it labels one as an outcast.  Why is this the case? With this 'younger' generation they prefer to be loaners or life long friends and if you don't fit the bill--go directly to jail.  Whats the point? In these moments one is spiritually if one will in jail, therefore, one decides if i'm basically in jail might as well go the full mile.  Ill treat everyone like the jerk they have labeled me as and then when they treat me like a jerk at least i will have deserved it!  Receiving poor treatment of one--fight back, trow the first punch and at least when one is persecuted, or thrown in jail, one will have deserved the retaliation.

So in essence one feels that society, our friends, our roommates, extra our indebted to us as we go out of our way to please them, make them happy, and make their lives better.  When they don't pay their rent back to us on time, for the first month, four months, year...we become a little offended and wonder what we did to deserve these wrongs.  So we fight back to deserve the wrongs. We go out find one who has wronged us or we feel is indebted to us and lay hands on him and take him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. And if they don't we cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.

I love this parable...the parable of the Two Debtors Matthew 18:23-35.  Here Christ reminds us we owe him so much more...and He has so freely forgiven us.  He is moved with compassion, set us free, and forgives us of our debt. How can we then forget and turn around and hang those around us for the pennies they own.  Because of the price He paid and the Mercy He shows, as we remember Him, it's easy to treat those around us with the same Mercy and Compassion.

Freely Forgive: "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you..."

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