Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Game

The Greeks had nothing on us!
Well i chose again to be social and follow my friend Bryce into unknown territory, the BYU Football Stadium.

Follow your friends to good things even if their completely out of your desire and or comfort zone.  The experience is amazing and the memories are great!

For example Bryce and i had a conversation that lasted till 1 in the morning!  Every bone and nerve in my body said this was a bad idea, but it will be a conversation that will last a lifetime.

Live in the moment!  Take time to do things you normally would not, make a memory that will span time.  What am i those rules of moral, Covenant, integrity, and honor--BREAK YOUR RULES, FOR THOSE AROUND YOU!!  Example: One of my self governing all power rules is that i always go to bed by 10:30, however this rule was obviously broken the other night when talking at 1 and it made all the difference.  Will i break my rule all the time no, but go out on a limb and look around, see the view from somewhere you have never seen it before.  One just might be captivated and see things one has missed before.

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