Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ia Ora Na

From Tahiti, ia ora na, literally mean 
Life to You!

We are either giving life or taking life from each other as we move forward on our way!

Raise our sights a little higher, to forget our own problems and reach out to others.

As i went to religion class yesterday i met a awesome young woman! She is from Utah and her family own a cabin in Island Park, which is not too far from where i live!  It was fun talk with her for a moment about her family and her semester.  She told me that her semester is actually a fairly easy one and that she was enjoying it!

Unfortunately class began at that point and we had to start paying attention but it was so refreshing to meet a friendly face and get to know one more person a little bit better.  It is so true the more we interact with others and learn of them the richer our own life becomes!  She made my day!

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