Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Be A Better Person // Am I ?

(c) Amount of focused effort throughout the project to do more than just fulfill an assignment, but to actually try to be a better person:

I think this is also one of the beauties of my project—if I simply did it there was no way that I could not become a better person.  It has been amazing just reaching out to people and getting to know them.  I still struggle with meeting people and not flinching at first but I am a lot more aware of who is around me.  I have made some true friends.  There are two crazy kids in my Operating Systems class that I would have never taken the time to get to know before.  But now we thoroughly enjoy talking with one another.  Indeed Jeff and Jonathan are just like my friend Bryan and I. They have been so much fun to get to know, I know I have truly made some good friends.  It has also been a real blessing in my life to be able to talk with them about future classes and struggles in our current class.

In addition to this it has really just changed the way I look at life.  Somehow everything is more beautiful, the spirit is stronger and there is more hope and joy in the world.  I don’t know how to explain it other than that.  It’s fun to look for other’s successes and then rejoice in them, rather it bring joy to you!  I think that is one of the most universal truths—if you only look for the successes in your own life, they don’t come that often; however, when we invest in others we get to rejoice and enjoy the successes of others like they are our own and well as our own.  Then we find the more people we meet and know the more success we see and experience and the happier we are!  I have truly loved this project! 

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