Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

One of the most fascinating thoughts for me on Monday was the idea of the lame man outside the Temple walls.  This man seeing Peter and John begged for anything that they could give: alms, silver, or gold.  I often feel this way or have been reminded that I approach my Heavenly Father this way: bless me with this job, with money and what I need.  I think that God only has to offer what I think He has or what I know of, often overlooking one of the greatest difference between my Father and I—He knows infinitely more than I do, said in a different way, I don’t know all that He does, I’m the blind one, lame one, ignorant one, who doesn’t know what God or Peter or John have to offer.  How my prayers change when I remember that God has answers and blessing greater than the ones I can dream up for myself.  This has just recently come up in my life when according to the Lord’s timing two choices that I had drastically took a flop in priority.  I was the one looking for money and the Lord allowed me to walk.  It is always a tender experience when the Lord is willing to bless us with what we are too ignorant to ask.  Then I am also reminded of what is to follow such a marvelous blessing—walking, and leaping, and praising God.  We are to return thanks for such grand blessings and to let our light shine that others may glorify our Father which is in Heaven.  Waiting on the Lord always bring greater blessings.

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