Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Greatest Investment of All Time

It's offical! At 25 you become a menace to society if you are not married and have a job! So what is the call to this 24 year old-->"Are you anxiouly engaged in become ingaged?" and "Stay home and get a Job!"

That is my life, it feels as though i'm thrown into the maze of life with a map that is encrypted and if i can but figure out the decryption primes i will have a clear road of success. After all every buisnessman in the world has a decryption code they're willing to offer, the only problem is if you spend the time to figure out if theirs works you may miss out on your own.  What am i saying? Life right now feels like a cyber war, figure out your code before someone passes you in the maze and takes your spot, find the right job, work hard, get married and above all Be Successful..it's that easy! ..Right?

Right! This is one of the struggles that i have been facing over the past few weeks and months.  What is the path through the maze that leads to success?  And how do i find the road to success or code for it?  It's been interesting to see all the answers i got from the world.  They had their opinion and theirs was the loudest and theirs came first.  But today after i finaly took the right and correct time to ask my Father that knows, i recieved the True and Perfect answer.

"That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory."  

This scripture gave me the first prime to the RSA code, and then this morning i received the second:

"If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world,let him become a fool, that he may be wise.  For the wisdom of this world is foolishnes with God. Therefore let no man glory in men.  For all things are yours: Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your; And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's."

The Greatest Investment of ALL Time is investing in God commandments and in His Gospel.  Believe in Christ and Faith in Him.  Trust Him and follow His ways and then come all hell we will recieve all that the Father has, for will are and will still be His.  This is the life and the way--Jesus Christ.  Following His is the secret code to the perfect pass for life, and though this world will pass away we shall inherit it all worlds without number, even all that the Father Hath.

What peace the Gospel brings, trust Him and work, marriage, life, success, all fall into perfect place.
In the name of Jesus Chris, Amen.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Smash it with a Hammer!

CopyRight: http://lastscionz.deviantart.com
Welcome Heather!
After a few week of insane Computer Science classes the consensus is to smash the whole proverbial thing with a hammer!!  Just when i was in mood to smash it all i met her, she was 5'7'' dark hair and looking perplexed.  She just sat there, with her books open fixed on her computer screen with a gaze so powerful i expected a hole to appear in the screen any second.  I made a friendly motion and then with the wrath of a woman scorned she turned on me her eyes burning trenches through the walls as she turned.  I thought i was dead for sure!  Then upon targeting me with her sights, she realized i was a human and took her finger off the trigger of her amazing gaze.

From there it started with, "o, hello".  I was pleasantly surprise, she was going to be cordial.  We talked and discovered we had a common enemy--Computer Science, this was the passion of her stare.  I told her a hammer was more effective that a lazier beam glare and we happily joined forces in the "He-She Computer Smashers Club".  We meet Monday and Wednesdays and smash computers to our hearts content!  

Who ever said Computers couldn't make our lives happy and less stressed?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stand Around

And there came tither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.  Howbeith, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city...

One of my favorite thoughts from yesterday’s class deals with the priesthood and more specifically Priesthood Blessings.  What a matchless gift the Priesthood is.  There have been so many times in my life that spiritually, physically, or mentally I have felt stoned--beaten beyond natural recognition.  However, it is always in those times that someone in life is there to offer a profound hand.  Through blessing my soul and mind have comforted, healed and made whole.  The power of the priesthood is real and all encompassing.

I have also had the blessing of being on the giving end or the instrument end of powerful priesthood blessings.  There are many instances throughout my life in which i have witnesses the power of God--His priesthood is real and the day of miracles has far from ceased. 

Over the break we had a family nightmare and through the priesthood a tender mercy.  I'm so grateful for the Priesthood and the matchless power that it is and for the great peace that it brings. 

I testify of the refining, spiritual, comforting, strengthening, and restraining influence the priesthood has had in my life. I have lived under its spiritual influence all my life—in my grandfather’s home, in my father’s home, and then in my own home. It is humbling to use the transcending power and authority of the priesthood to empower others and to heal and bless. May we live worthy of holding the priesthood authority to act in the name of God, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gods Timing

"Though this be madness, yet there is a method in't..."  That is a profound statement, what the Lord often dose in my life could often be contrived as maddness, why is this sprocket in my life going the wrong direction, it should follow all the rest!  Like the narrow view of a few sprockets in a greater system so too thing in my life appear to be working the wrong way went looked narrowly upon.  However, this miss guided diagnosis can be reminded by an engineer with a greater view of the machines true purpose and design.  Also my life and each individual sprocket make sense and has a purpose when viewed from the right level of design.

The Lord like the master engineer often has to remind me that He is in charge and has a greater design.  This is one great insight i gained from class yesterday.  The Lord's timing is amazing!  I often feel like Cornelius praying to no avail and then one day i see the work the Lord has done and hear His voice, "Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God."  Just as a heavenly directed message and a divinely prepared prophet meet two more cogs are shown to be insync.  Then the Prophet comes and i fully understand and believe.

After all of the examples i have seen in the scriptures and feel in my life, i truly know this is a lesson that i am meant to learn right now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Saying a Good Word

So here was the invitation -- start a conversation with someone-- start it with something good that you notice about a person and see how it changes your life and those around you!  Try it and Report what happens!

Write a comment on this post about it...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Friend

Have you ever wondered what life would be like to be someone else?  To walk in someone else's shoes or at their height?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just be the perfect you?

Over the last semester taking the initiative to speak with every one has really changed the way that i view others and therefore the way that they view me.  Life has flopped, and this time flopped is a good thing. My new roommate for example and proven to be one of my best friends.  It is crazy how much we are alike, from everything to Trombone to swimming to the way we keep our room and the hours of the day.  Just being open and friendly with him has been so cool, he's returned it a thousand ways.

Speaking of those thousand ways..check this out...Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do the dishes and have one of your roommates come in and spontaneously just start helping, ...yep it happened... really, it was a surprise, so what's my point, my new roommate is awesome, and has become one of my greatest friends. The point however is this would have never happened had i been my natural reclusive quiet self.

Trying to break the quiet mold has also over the past few weeks drawn me close to Melanie and Danielle as well, both were spontaneous arrivals (a common ground Shakespeare, and a matchmaking mouse) but in light of these they have proven some of the greatest blessings in my life! Just a kind word! ... They talk and share a kind word and with that make life a heaven on earth.  Not to mention the fact i have never met two more driven, brilliant, beautiful, open, successful, and inspiring women in all my life.
Open up, say hi and make new friends...life is short, but friends like these make life worth everything!!

~God Bless

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

One of the most fascinating thoughts for me on Monday was the idea of the lame man outside the Temple walls.  This man seeing Peter and John begged for anything that they could give: alms, silver, or gold.  I often feel this way or have been reminded that I approach my Heavenly Father this way: bless me with this job, with money and what I need.  I think that God only has to offer what I think He has or what I know of, often overlooking one of the greatest difference between my Father and I—He knows infinitely more than I do, said in a different way, I don’t know all that He does, I’m the blind one, lame one, ignorant one, who doesn’t know what God or Peter or John have to offer.  How my prayers change when I remember that God has answers and blessing greater than the ones I can dream up for myself.  This has just recently come up in my life when according to the Lord’s timing two choices that I had drastically took a flop in priority.  I was the one looking for money and the Lord allowed me to walk.  It is always a tender experience when the Lord is willing to bless us with what we are too ignorant to ask.  Then I am also reminded of what is to follow such a marvelous blessing—walking, and leaping, and praising God.  We are to return thanks for such grand blessings and to let our light shine that others may glorify our Father which is in Heaven.  Waiting on the Lord always bring greater blessings.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Full Purpose Winter 2012

S-Specific ~ What is your project? Be specific.
Everything that the Savior did was motivated by Love.  His Gospel and ministry and His direction through His Prophets and Apostles has always been about the individual, about people.  ‘Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart’, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Everything is about people, ‘feed my sheep.’  My project is to become a people person, to meet new people, help new people, talk with people, and share the Gospel with people.  It is to Open My Mouth.

M-Measurable ~ How are you going to measure your progress and know if you succeeded?
Every encounter I have I will post on my blog, I will strive for 3 new contacts every week. I will also strive to find 3-4 people to view my blog and to try this experiment for themselves and then post an experience on my blog.  I will also find 3 or more talk close or applicable to this subject as well as reviewing Preach My Gospel.

A-Applicability ~ How applicable and relevant is your project at this phase of your life?
I’m a hermit, I’m missing out on the world and the roses around me because I’m too busy with school and my studies.  I’ve locked myself into my own metaphorical library and closed the doors to others for good.  I really struggle with this, but as I have worked on it, it is amazing how many thing in the Gospel become more beautiful and meaningful.  This is a Gospel about people and so when we are immersed in people we draw closer to the Savior as we follow His example with them.

R-Rigor ~ How much is this project going to push you above and beyond what you normally do?
I never do this!  Looking for scriptures from the second half of the NT is not something I would normally do none the less looking for talks on the matter, and finally I never willingly go out of my way to meet and talk with new people---Wowow!  Between fulfilling these goals and especially recording them this will require focus and time.

T-Time ~ How much time are you going to spend on this project each week?
I will spend at least an hour, however, I’m sure it will run more than that.

S-Scripture tie-in ~ What parts of the New Testament form a foundation for your project?
‘If ye love me feed my sheep’, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’, Evilàcounseled “threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name.  And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.”

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I really like the comment today about a proper title for the acts of the Apostles.  Instead of looking at it in the light of a record of the dealings of a few good men, after Elder Holland's comment, i saw the record as the Savior's servants doing His work.  The record went from boring to infinity personal.
As i thought about this idea, i realized that much in life is a matter of seeing things in the right perspective and in the right attitude.  Almost everything in the Gospel and in life becomes of grand proportion or sinks into insignificance when placed in the right perspective.  When i thought of the living Savior personally guiding His Apostles their lives and works  became infinity more instructive and intimate.  When we put life in the perspective that the Savior would have us put it, there are countless things that become more beautiful, like the scriptures.
It interesting to me how just a little light, a new perspective can invite the spirit to bear truth of it, then a cascade of emotions come driving us to desire to be better in every way.  What truths am i missing that could add more joy and beauty to life, like the simple idea...it's the Saviors acts through His Apostles?
This idea also brought new light to how i view scripture in general, it's the Savior's Gospel and actions through the lives of His prophets.  That's Cool!
One final thought that really impressed me is the Savior's infallible proofs...no one can imitate Him! And when we come to stand at the veil we will know to whom it is we speak and His sign will be sure.

A New Semester Winter 2012

New Testament 2nd Half